For Doctors

NSD use the Compumedics Somte portable diagnostic monitor (PM) to conduct home sleep tests. The monitor is worn overnight and records ECG, EEG, EOG, respiratory effort, airflow, oxygenation and sleep positioning. The Somte is a Medicare Level 2 accredited diagnostic device.


Home Sleep Testing (HST) vs Laboratory Polysomnography (PSG)

Compared to a sleep laboratory, home diagnostic testing has its limitations when screening for complex sleep disorders such as insomnia, narcolepsy, parasomnias and at times leg movements.  In regards to diagnosing Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) and other types of apnoea, portable screening is as effective at detecting apnoeas as a sleep laboratory. The advantages are that the patient can sleep in their own bed and there are less leads attached, which hopefully leads to a more comfortable and normal nights sleep.  The disadvantages are in some cases leads can detach during the night which will require the patient to be retested.  The following articles examine the clinical efficacy of HST using portable monitoring as opposed to sleep laboratory testing.


Telehealth Consultations

Patients located in regional areas can be provided with additional support through a Telehealth video consultation with an Australian accredited Sleep Physician.  Please contact us if you wish to find out more about this service or to organise a consultation. 


Home Sleep Test Referral